Saturday, July 17, 2010

July 18 - 2010 All About Herbs- Anise

What You Need to Understand About Aniseed (Anise)
By Sandy A.

Recommended Reading
Herbal Remedy Cures.
A Complete Book On Herbal Remedies.
A Directory Catalogue Of Herbal Remedies For Ailments A-z

The oval-shaped, aromatic seeds of Pimpinella anusum are one of the world's oldest known spices. The ancient Romans were the first to really discover and use the pungent and spicy aniseed to flavor their cakes, which they ate after heavy meals to settle their stomachs. Anise, as it is also called, is the flavor in the popular Greek drink ouzo.

•What are the origins and characteristics of Aniseed?

Aniseed grows wild throughout the Middle East, but it can also be cultivated in any moderately warm climate. It grows about 1 1/2 feet(45 cm) tall, with broadish leaves and small cream-colored flowers that five way to tiny, light-brown hairy seeds. It was first cultivated by the ancient Egyptians and then spread throughout the Arab, Roman and Greek worlds. It has been grown commercially for a very long time but is now being slowly replaced by Illicium verum - star anise because it is cheaper to grow.

•What are the culinary uses?

The fresh leaves can he used to flavor curries and spicy meat dishes, while the seeds can be chewed to sweeten the breath afterward. The taste is similar to fennel-sweet and spicy-although the leaves have a more delicate flavor. It is used to flavor candy that young children love. And it is also used to flavor various liqueurs such as ouzo, pastis and arak.

•What are the medicinal uses?

Aniseed has warming and stimulating properties and it is these properties that make it useful for-treating circulation problems and digestive disorders. It is also soothing for the lungs as an expectorant and is used to both flavor and activate cough medicines. More mysteriously, it is said to avert the evil eye. The oil is used in the production of toothpaste, and aniseed tea is used for settling the digestion and improving overall digestion.

Sandy is an avid follower of natural cure. Read more about her work at: and

Recommended Reading
Herbal Remedy Cures.
A Complete Book On Herbal Remedies.
A Directory Catalogue Of Herbal Remedies For Ailments A-z

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